12 Awesome Benefits of eating dark chocolate and heart health

what are the benefits of eating dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is the fat, which is derived from cocoa and food mixed with sugar. No more junk food and chocolate is a part of this diet. Dark chocolate contains a lot of positive nutrients that can affect your health.

You would not think that can be a nutritious candy bar, but dark chocolate nutrition, especially when it comes to fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese and copper, is quite impressive actually. Dark chocolate's benefits abound in our diet.

1.Dark nutritious and good for health Chocolate

You full of chocolate money and good quality health and good nutrition for heart disease than healthy.It contains a decent amount of soluble fiber and minerals which contain very beneficial cocoa chocolateBenefits buy dark chocolate dark material included if there are much more. A dark chocolate contains 60-70% cocoa and relax and mineral fibers

Source: https://healthfiver.com

2.Chocolate is good for cholesterol control

Cocoa butter containing dark chocolate. And cocoa butter contains stearic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid. It stearic acid and palmitic acid is saturated fat that is really almost neutral effect on cholesterol.Stearic acid. It does not increase or reduce doses. I keep equilibrium.But palmitic acid increases the level of cholesterol in a small proportion

 3.Dark Chocolate is a powerful source of antioxidants

You may be surprised to read that dark chocolate rich in antioxidants. Other than diet chocolate contains the highest amount of antioxidants.

A study shows that cocoa and dark chocolate high antioxidant activity, polyphenols, and flavanols than fruit of experience, blueberries and acai berries, which

4.Dark helpful for preventing cancer Chocolate

You can get almost impossible to believe that eating dark chocolate good quality for cancer. Good quality food and eating chocolate can we prevent cancer.

5. Dark chocolate can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure

Flavanols to produce nitric oxide (NO) in dark chocolate are encouraged to endothelium which is a gas.Than it is at rest and blood vessel function is sending signals to nitric oxide.

6.dark chocolate and heart health 

Evidence cocoa plant, especially dark chocolate products, is building that are good for your heart. Education Medical proud people who eat dark chocolate improves blood circulation and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, show that healthy cardiovascular system.

7.dark chocolate diet

Just eat that contain at least 65 percent less processed cocoa, chocolate, Joy DuBost, Ph.D., RD, an American Dietetic Association spokeswoman recommends. Not only dark chocolate has a high concentration of antioxidants than milk chocolate, but chocolate milk is also high in sugar and unhealthy fat.

8.antioxidants in chocolate 

One study showed that the antioxidant activity of cocoa and dark chocolate, polyphenols and other fruit experience, blueberries and acai berries (2) most of the flavanols present. Bottom line: Cocoa and dark chocolate the most extensive variety of powerful antioxidants, way more than other foods.

9.chocolate and diabetes benefits 

The health benefits of eating chocolate: cocoa research scientists generally have found that good bacteria in the digestive tract studying. Early results are pointing in that direction is helping the bacteria found in fermented cocoa antioxidants and fiber.

10.dark chocolate facts

  1. More cocoa dark chocolate (beans that are made with less sugar than chocolate) and chocolate, then in milk and white chocolate is considered healthier than
  2. The cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure Dark chocolate contains lots of antioxidants
  3. Dark chocolate dilates arteries and promotes healthy blood flow that can block the arteries that can prevent plaque buildup.
  4. Dark chocolate each day reduces the risk of heart disease by eating 1/3.
  5. Improve insulin sensitivity flavonoids found in cocoa products have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting effects that can reduce the risk of diabetes. 

11.dark chocolate cholesterol lowering 

If regular chocolate eaters have lower blood pressure, lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and received a host of benefits, including lower risk of heart disease in their hearts. It causes inflammation-fighting properties, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular dark chocolate especially heart healthy

12.does chocolate cause cancer 

Chocolate proven and suspected benefits are attributed to the flavanols there. Antioxidant compounds that protect cells from damage, which fight damage from free radicals. Free radicals damage cells and even have the potential to cause cancer.