Do You Have This Small Hole Above Your Ear? Here’s The Reason

When you walk into a crowd of people, there are a few things you will notice right away. Each wore a what? What color is his hair? How are they doing? The first thing you worry about your ears is not in general. Still, like fingerprints, are unique in one ear. Some stick out some small, large, and it is not a matter of size earlobe. Do you have a little hole some people can never feel over their ears?

The deal between 0.1 per cent and 0.9 per cent in the US and European populations with this defect. But there are some parts of Africa with 2.5 per cent and 10 per cent of Taiwanese people found with him. Either one or both sides of the holes may appear, but it is mostly found in the right ear.

Now you're probably wondering why people are born with it. Ear Piercings came mutate into a fault? Have they the super sonic hearing? Absolutely not. Still, you will be blown away by the description on the next page.A small percentage of people born with a small hole above his ear, and here's why. A hereditary birth defect that goes by the name of the preauricular sinus. It was first documented in 1864 by Dr. von Heusinger. More information has emerged about the defect until the fish evolutionary biologist and paleontologist Neil Shubin shared his view. Shubin thinks that the hole can be an evolutionary remnant of fish gills.

The PBS show, Your Inner Fish, Shubin talks about other things that gave us our water-dwelling ancestors. "You can not imagine your body a lot in common with a fish," he said. "But I see a family resemblance."

Fish not only the creatures with backbones and bony skeleton, including the skull, they are also the first animals on Earth. Timeline species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, then goes into which we have developed - the primates. Believe it or not, every animal on earth today is a descendant of an ancient fish. The nerves in the brain are the same as basic wiring inside a fish.

You might think this is far-fetched to think that the fish carry similar features, but it is not. After all, some people are having webbed fingers. Thankfully, Shubin further changes of mind about your show. Therefore you may not be able to breathe underwater, but you can make a very distant relative.
